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Something and Nothing – Shallow and Deep

The Salt Solution single - Your Country Needs YouShallowDeep is an eclectic collection from a single mind. A mind that loves finding something of value and re-expressing it in another form: A kind of creative translator. Here find parables where animals discover themselves. Here an alien visitor tries to make sense of life on earth. Here is teenage outlook condensed into a board game. Here songs of a mankind that struggles and God who intervenes. Here lyrics and music, movies and prose, satire and irony, pathos and angst, humour and charm, collaborations and parodies. Here is where you get something for nothing that’s shallow and deep.


Martin Day guesting in 2014 with The PrognosisSquirreled away within the pages of this site are writings, compositions, presentations, recordings and creations that now span five decades! There is a noticeable evolution in my thinking as I have learned going through life, and the more recent the piece of work, the more accurately it will represent my current mindset. Some of what you will find here I am happy to give away, and some I’m not! If you see something here you like would like to use or pass on then please contact me about it – I may just be so happy that you’ve taken an interest that give permission without hesitation. All that I will ask is that you don’t tinker with the content of these works. If something seems out of place or doesn’t make sense to you, it could just be that you haven’t grasped the whole of it yet. A typical high-energy performance from Salt Solution. L to R: Andy Clark, Rob Bathurst, Simon Bartlett(obscured) & high jumping Martin DayEvery word here was included very intentionally. I can think of many examples; books, films, stories, paintings where I’ve later seen what I did not at first. They first seemed shallow, but now seem deep. The exception for modifications would be if you wanted to use any of the sketch scripts. There are some obvious local or time-tied references in many of them that would need to be customised before they would work for you.

Martin Day, June 2014

To Discover

Let me expand on what to look out for on this site.

Go to The Animal ParablesThe Animal Parables are a collection of eight short stories. They are similar in style and form. In each one a different animal has believed something that is untrue but eventually finds a new place of freedom. If you like the extracts you find the book is available to buy in paperback or on Kindle. Here there is one unpublished story, The Frog, that you can read in full

MusicGo to the Music section and lyrics and MP3 recordings are included from Salt Solution the Christian rock band that flourished in the ’80s and ’90s. The front man and lyricist Martin Day went on to write a collection of worship songs. Also included here (as a curiosity) are the story and lyrics of Bradbury Hall, a concept project that Martin wrote when he was seventeen. Plus there are the latest extracts from Martin’s current work-in-progress musical Sharp to the Flat

There is a random selection of Movie clips. Some of these feature the music of Salt Solution, some have been edited VJ-style using other copyrighted footage and soundtracks. Some have been created to convey a message, but some just for the fun of it.

Prototype board game 'So Grounded!

Martin has also designed a board game inspired by his teenage daughter and based on the theme of a teenage house party. You may one day find it in your local toy shop, but you can say that you saw the prototype of So Grounded! here.

Go to Pod's sectionPod the Alien is a puppet character (no don’t switch off!) who lands from another world. He is childlike in his enthusiasm to learn about life society and faith on Earth but often gets completely the wrong end of the stick. Designed for presentation to an audience there is plenty of all-age humour in these scripts and graphics, but there is always an important truth for Pod to learn.

Finally there is more information about the Author, whom you can Contact. if you wish and also Links to related sites.

Look out for the downloads that will enable you to take these works to where you can re-use them.

Home to
Go to The Animal Parables

‘The Animal Parables’

Where to start?

The ShallowDeep site is bigger than you might imagine. So if you are new to it, you might appreciate some entry points:

For an animal parable start with ‘The Frog’.

For a digestible reflection from Martin’s Blog try Why a small boy loved the beach.

‘The Art of Growing Old’ is as good a place as any to start with the music of Salt Solution

Then if you want more music you can delve into Martin’s latest Musical project with I Will Ener In.
If anything the movies are even more varied than the music but Chris Says “No” is a fun example of a pop video I directed and produced.

You can check out the So Grounded! board game and then to get a feel for the character of Pod the Alien watch his interview with Tony Blair. Then read the Christmas script in which the clip was featured.

The current work in progress is my autobiography – included here are some teaser extracts.

Once you’ve sampled some of the above you may be interested to find out more about the Man behind them and even make Contact. And then there is the Links page that takes you beyond this site.
